Band Artist Venue Show Date Price
poster-name The Melvins Sir Chubby Von Twinkle 40 Watt Club, Athens Georgia 08/18/2008 $ 85
poster-name The Melvins Sir Chubby Von Twinkle The Paradise, Boston Massachusetts 08/09/2008 $ 70
poster-name The Melvins (Signed by Band) Tara McPherson Warehouse Live, Houston Texas 11/15/2006 $ 175
poster-name The Melvins Jim Mazza Meridian, Houston Texas 10/16/2007 $ 135
poster-name High On Fire Billy Bishop (Obsolete Industries) Emo's 01/23/2006 $ 50
poster-name The Melvins Handbill Stainboy The Social 11/03/2006 $ 30
poster-name Melvins Iron Forge Press The Brick House Theater, Phoenix 08/27/2008 $ 35
poster-name The Melvins New Daisy Theatre Memphis 11/11/2006 $ 75
poster-name The Melvins Jeff LaChance Luna Lounge 10/06/2007 $ 35
poster-name The Melvins Jeff LaChance Luna Lounge 10/06/2007 $ 30
poster-name The Melvins Jay Ryan 40 Watt Club 10/28/2006 $ 75
poster-name High on Fire Chuck Sperry 12 Galaxies 01/18/2006 $ 150
poster-name The Melvins Justin Hampton Showbox, Seattle, WA 06/07/2004 $ 50
poster-name High On Fire Seldon Hunt (BRLSQ) Middle East, Cambridge, MA 02/06/2006 $ 35
poster-name High On Fire Burlesque of North America Triple Rock Social Club, Minneapolis, MN 02/12/2006 $ 50
poster-name High On Fire Burlesque of North America Triple Rock Social Club, Minneapolis, MN 02/12/2006 $ 50
poster-name The Melvins Aaron Horkey (BRLSQ) The Conservatory, Oklahoma City, OK 11/20/2006 $ 150
poster-name The Melvins (Signed by Band) Aaron Horkey (BRLSQ) The Conservatory, Oklahoma City, OK 11/20/2006 $ 300
poster-name The Melvins Aaron Horkey (BRLSQ) The Conservatory, Oklahoma City, OK 11/20/2006 $ 180
poster-name The Melvins Seldon Hunt (BRLSQ) La Maroquinerie, Paris, FRA 04/29/2007 $ 65

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