Band Artist Venue Show Date Price
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Lindsey Kuhn Diamond Ballroom, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 08/10/2007 $ 50
poster-name Ween Allen Jaeger House of Blues New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana 08/20/1999 SOLD OUT!
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Jon Smith Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia 04/02/2008 $ 40
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Lars P. Krause C-Halle, Berlin, Germany 07/04/2007 $ 60
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Malleus Eagles Club, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 10/24/2007 $ 600
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Malleus Alcatraz, Milano, Italy 06/18/2007 $ 190
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Malleus Estragon, Bologna, Italy 02/18/2008 $ 150
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Mike Martin K.B. Hallen, Copenhagen, Denmark 02/24/2008 $ 50
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Mike Martin Murat Egyptian Room, Indianapolis, Indiana 08/04/2007 $ 50
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Mike Martin The Moon, Tallahassee, Florida 09/20/2007 $ 40
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Daymon Greulich The Big Top, Sydney, Australia 03/28/2008 $ 60
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Craig Phillips 02//2011 $ 60
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Rhys Cooper Club Nokia, Los Angeles, California 08/12/2010 $ 75
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Rhys Cooper City Hall, Hobart, Australia 04/04/2010 $ 60
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Rhys Cooper McCallum Theatre, Palm Desert, California 12/09/2007 $ 60
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Ken Taylor The Palace Complex, Melbourne, Australia 04/01/2008 $ 60
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Ken Taylor Grosse Freheit 36, Hamburg, Germany 08/23/2005 $ 70
poster-name Queens of the Stone Age Daymon Greulich Henry Fonda Theatre, Hollywood, California 08/16/2008 $ 60
poster-name Eagles of Death Metal Rhys Cooper Club Nokia, Los Angeles, California 08/12/2010 $ 50

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