Band Artist Venue Show Date Price
poster-name Midnight Evils DWITT (David Witt) The Triple Rock Social Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota 12/04/2004 $ 40
poster-name The Melvins Bobby Dixon (Kollective Fusion) Granada Theater, Dallas, Texas 10/18/2007 $ 60
poster-name High On Fire Uncle Charlie Engine Room, Houston, Texas 01/24/2005 $ 50
poster-name Killdozer Lindsey Kuhn Emo's Red River Austin TX 06/13/ $ 70
poster-name The Melvins Dennis Schmickle The Other Side, Missoula MT 09/16/2006 $ 45
poster-name The Melvins Strawberryluna Launchpad, Albuquerque, New Mexico 11/24/2006 $ 45
poster-name The Melvins Adam Turman Brown's Brewing Company's Troy Taproom, Troy, New York 10/14/2006 $ 90
poster-name The Melvins Billy Perkins Rhythm & Brews, Chattanooga, Tennessee 11/08/2006 $ 50
poster-name The Melvins Stainboy The Social, Orlando, Florida 11/03/2006 $ 75
poster-name High On Fire Stainboy Mangy Moose Restaurant & Saloon, Teton Village, Wyoming 02/19/2006 $ 75
poster-name The Melvins Clay Ferguson (FERG) Aggie Theatre, Fort Collins, Colorado 09/19/2006 $ 40
poster-name The Melvins Tara Mcpherson Warehouse Live, Houston, Texas 11/15/2006 $ 150
poster-name The Melvins Lindsey Kuhn Gothic Theatre, Englewood, Colorado 09/22/2007 $ 75
poster-name The Melvins Jim Mazza Warehouse Live, Houston, Texas 08/21/2008 $ 125
poster-name Tiger Army Wrecking Crew Studios El Rey Theatre, Los Angeles, California 04/24/2004 $ 90
poster-name High on Fire Wrecking Crew Studios 40 Watt Club, Athens, Georgia 04/24/2004 $ 90
poster-name The Melvins Wrecking Crew Studios Troubadour, Hollywood, California 11/30/2006 $ 45
poster-name High on Fire Andrew Vastagh Exit/In, Nashville, Tennessee 01/27/2005 $ 40
poster-name Dinosaur Jr. Michael Michael Motorcyle United Sounds of ATP, Pontin's Camber Sands Holiday Park, Rye, Sussex, United Kingdom 05/09/2006 $ 50
poster-name The Melvins Michael Michael Motorcyle One Eyed Jacks, New Orleans, Louisianna 11/14/2006 $ 60

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