Band Artist Venue Show Date Price
poster-name The Go! Team Darren Grealish The Casbah, San Diego, CA 10/19/2005 $ 30
poster-name Pretty Girls Make Graves Darren Grealish The Casbah, San Diego, CA 10/27/2005 $ 30
poster-name Brian Jonestown Massacre Darren Grealish The Casbah, San Diego, CA 09/21/2006 $ 225
poster-name The Black Angels Tim Clark (THC) The Casbah, San Diego, California 06/26/2006 $ 50
poster-name Nashville Pussy Darren Grealish The Casbah, San Diego, California 02/16/2002 $ 60
poster-name Isis Darren Grealish The Casbah, San Diego, California 02/22/2007 $ 75
poster-name High on Fire Gil Wadsworth The Casbah, San Diego, California 01/20/2006 $ 50
poster-name Pretty Girls Make Graves Travis White The Casbah, San Diego, California 06/01/2006 $ 40
poster-name The Supersuckers Lindsey Kuhn The Casbah, San Diego, California 04/13/2001 $ 60
poster-name The Supersuckers Lindsey Kuhn The Casbah, San Diego, California 04/13/2001 $ 60
poster-name Neko Case Lindsey Kuhn The Casbah, San Diego, California 02/28/2004 $ 60
poster-name The Melvins Lindsey Kuhn The Casbah, San Diego, California 03/15/2004 $ 60
poster-name The Dwarves Lindsey Kuhn The Casbah, San Diego, California 04/26/2003 $ 40
poster-name Rocket from the Crypt Lindsey Kuhn The Casbah, San Diego, California 03/19/2001 $ 65
poster-name DKT/MC5 Maynard The Casbah, San Diego, California 07/13/ $ 50
poster-name Holly Golightly Maynard The Casbah, San Diego, California 10/03/ $ 50
poster-name Rocket from the Crypt Maynard The Casbah, San Diego, California 10/31/2003 $ 45
poster-name The Legendary Shack Shakers Maynard The Casbah, San Diego, California 11/06/ $ 40
poster-name Black Heart Procession Maynard The Casbah, San Diego, California 11/04/2003 $ 40
poster-name Dale Watson Maynard The Casbah, San Diego, California 07/08/ $ 50

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